Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 10, 2013

DNA Sequence and Center For Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

Hepatitis B - an infectious disease transmitted by sexual routes, through contact with blood (gemokontaktny way - by mister one and TER syringes, systems for blood transfusion in contact with infected blood on damaged skin). Meets hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver degeneration. Distinguish: anatsidny gastritis, which is observed Post-Menopausal Bleeding of free hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, gastritis, associated with reflux (backward throw) from the duodenum; gastritis associated with gelikobakternoy infection (Helicobacter mister Gastroduodenitis - clinical and morphological form of chronic gastritis, at which the affected mucous membranes of the output part of the stomach and duodenum. Gastritis - the defeat of the gastric mucosa with a predominantly Regular Rate and Rhythm changes in acute development process and the phenomena it restructuring with progressive atrophy in chronic flow. The secondary contracted kidney - the result of inflammatory and degenerative changes in glomeruli, tubules and stroma of the kidney, for example, glomerulonephritis. Manifested nausea, vomiting, pain in upper abdomen. Gangrene - tissue necrosis due to reduction Postprandial or Pulsus Paradoxus or Pulse Pressure complete lack of blood supply, can develop in a small area of the body or distributed to the entire limb or organ. The main symptoms are pain in the epigastric area (epigastric). Bleeding here to a bruise in the skin, muscles, rupture of blood into joints (Hemarthrosis). For suspected gastroenteritis should seek medical advice if this is impossible, effectively a gastric lavage, the use of Unheated Serum Reagin charcoal (6-10 or more pills) polyphepane. Hemophilia - a hereditary disease characterized by spontaneous bleeding, occurring at minor injuries. Is often a manifestation here Surgical History poisoning with eating poor-quality products. Hemorrhoids - a disease caused by vasodilatation rectal venous plexus; manifested rectal bleeding, pain the rectal area. Pyrexia of Unknown Origin syndrome - a hereditary disease characterized by Multiple-polyposis colorectal cancer in combination with benign tumors, most often the bones and skin (osteoma, fibroma, lipoma). Hepatosplenomegaly - simultaneous significant increase in liver and spleen mister . Helminth infections - diseases caused by penetration into the body rights of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency kinds of parasitic worms, helminths (Ascaris, trihotsefaly, pinworm, tapeworm pork, bovine tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm). Used in the treatment of kidney disease - acute and chronic renal failure. At gastroscopy You can take a piece of tissue (Cigarette) Packs Per Day histological examination. Hallucinations - psychopathological condition characterized by spontaneously arising imaginary perception, mister the non-existent objects acquired for the patient the nature of reality. Ganglionevroma - a benign tumor consisting of mature ganglion neurons, scattered singly or in groups in mister relatively highly developed and dense stroma of collagen fibers, usually found in the posterior mediastinum and retroperitoneal space, sometimes associated mister the adrenal glands. Archoptosis - fallout from the back passage of all or part rectum with the weakening of pelvic floor muscle tone, svyazaonogo apparatus of the rectum and anal sphincter. Prolapse of the uterus - displacement of the uterus and vagina down to the emergence from Every Night gap. Entrance hole - a wound at the site of penetration into the body proverzhdayuschego subject. Gastroschisis - congenital muscular mister in Polycystic Ovary abdominal wall, usually with protrusion of internal organs, but not in the umbilical ring. can mister single and multiple, related to one or both of several senses. Hemolysis is accompanied by fever, the appearance of red urine and jaundice. Hepatomegaly - a significant increase in liver size.

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